Please note that these materials have been updated from the workshops delivered in April / May 2021. If you are looking for these materials, please see
The updates include using a human cancer dataset and reducing the length of the workshop from four to three sessions.
We will assume you have a basic familiarity with the R language and Rstudio and are reasonably confident in performing the following tasks:-
You should also be familiar with the overall workflow of RNA-seq data.
This module is aimed at biology students with little or no knowledge of programming and statistics. It has the following objectives:
Please follow these 5 steps at your earliest convenience. Contact Mark Dunning if you have any problem
Download the pre-compiled binary for your OS from and install. More specifically:
Click “Download R for Windows”, then “base”, then “Download R 4.0.0 for Windows”. This will download an .exe file; once downloaded, open to start the installation. You can accept all the defaults.
Click “Download R for (Mac) OS X”, then “R-4.0.0.pkg” to download the installer. Run the installer to complete installation. You can accept all the defaults.
Click “Download R for Linux”. Instructions on installing are given for Debian, Redhat, Suse and Ubuntu distributions. Where there is a choice, install both r-base and r-base-dev.
Download and install the version for your OS from: You can accept all the defaults.
Run the code in the R script linked below
You can check everything is installed by copying and pasting this into the R console
A gentle introduction to RNA-seq - 18 minutes RNA-seq count normalisation explained - 10 minutes